“怎么回事怎么回事 大家都工作了 自立了 这就已经很厉害了啊 而且 又不是只有正经人才能获得幸福” 几乎想打五星的 但的确演技啊啥的表现力啊等基本元素很一般 热评问传递什么三观 就是下辈子我要好好过啊 这辈子就让我不正经 卑微疯狂奋不顾身一滩烂泥messed up 求得一点点光告诉自己“又不是只有正经人才能获得幸福” 来世では ちゃんとします
grown into chasms, just fkin use it. wanna hear your innermost secrets and into the darkest, deepest recesses of your mind, no gaps, no hiding, to the main achieve, wanna see your most powerful weapon, will you let me in? him being, what weapon? well u never heard of that description? leave it to the pros, thats me, im professional. i can make u feel right, physically n mentally, i can help u connect, im ur emotional support, the final choice, first of all, whats the weirdest dream uve ever had?