Watched the 3 movies version, which is a summary of the whole series. Some reviewers consider that the shortened films version is better, as its pace is less erratic & focused, and many useless / uninteresting scenes have been left out. Others consider that some important chara-dev is lacking. It's quite clear indeed that the director's cut gives the feeling of a very packed journey. However, I also believe that the formulaic format of the episode, in which the same elements have all to be gathered in every single one can be tiresome and a bit boring. The movies somehow shake up this generic structure. It has also to be noted that this series might be the best of the franchise.
真的是导演不行啊第一集演员都没拍出来好多戏是死的饭桌上完全是曾江碾压局完全没有原著的悬念 ps又看了五六集来减星的3.5给服化道而已真真不及格那个澡堂子挂画的连我都知道是假的不灭钻石这种梗太多了假佛头摔在地毯上还能四分五裂接古董还手传手这些基本概念都没有的导演我也是醉了醉了