Superbly shocking. But I don't see any horror in Wicker Man, for the mood is as far from dread or fearful expectation as it might be. There isn't a shadow in sight. In fact, it's very bright, light and joyful, full of sweet and sensual folk songs and dances - slightly freakish but happily so. Most of the action takes place in flowery, open settings, irradiated by the sun and surrounded by the sea. I never completely bought into the murder or sacrifice of young Rowan, and speculated that the mystery will eventually clear up with no one getting hurt. But I took the bait and fell for the trap, the grandiose ending revealing how true madness, madness unaware of itself, was in play all along.
从小城市来到一个融合度高的环境里时发现自己原生家庭的相对贫困所以产生的小心思发现因为所处的社会阶层所能提供的教育天花板造成的个人能力和见识的不足时的尴尬与无力;刚成年时面对男性的过分热情与好奇以及这些情绪被污名化后的无所适从;发现所有人都尊敬并且自己也很敬佩的男性实则不过是得益于充满性别歧视的就业环境并无真才实学后的失望在遇到可能没人会相信的性骚扰时不知道该不该公之于众保护自己的犹豫;还有到底是要藏在社会对于性别身份的刻板印象之下安全隐身镜双城电视剧还是要寻找突破阻力、失去很多成为真实的自己的勇气 每一集每一秒的困境与故事都曾经真切的发生在我身上每一个女孩都是在这样野蛮生长但是最令人感动的是剧里的四个女孩子都比我更勇敢